Alison Hewett: A School Librarian of Aotearoa

We, here at Kristin, are so fortunate to have a beautiful school library. We are even more fortunate to have Head librarian, Alison Hewett. At the core, Alison believes that children should be surrounded by books to “ to nurture their natural curiosity” in addition to developing core literacy skills. She also sees reading as a way for students to “identify as citizens of the world with a global and empathetic mindset.”

Alison is also visionary in her thinking of what a library is and what it should provide. Her vision for a library is one that is open, inviting and flexible. Under her guidance, the library has just completed some physical changes to the layout to promote a “more inviting and more of a teenage space.” She converted traditional shelving to lower, more mobile shelving, which provides easier access to books, and which promotes and more flexible learning spaces. Additionally, she and the librarians have been working to update and expand the collections.

Because of Alison’s vision, she has been featured as a School Librarian of Aotearoa and Alison has shared her thinking and ideas in this regular feature in The Sapling, a website about children’s books. Check out the fantastic article about the Kristin Library and Alison's visionary work and see even more images of the library. Better yet. Head on up to the Kristin library, take a look at the newly designed space, and explore some new books, either in print, or electronic.

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