Digital Citizenship Week

Digital Citizenship seems overwhelming doesn’t it? It’s all encompassing with topics including keeping safe online, digital literacy skills, knowing how to look after myself and my digital ‘stuff’, and using technology to make a positive impact on my world.

While it is a lot to consider – it’s also why teaching our students about digital citizenship is the responsibility of each of us. Digital Citizenship isn’t just about technology. Digital Citizenship IS about teaching our community how to navigate in and positively contribute to a complex, digitally networked world.

So, I leave Digital Citizenship Week with this call to action. Following ISTE’s (International Society for Technology in Education) lead, I challenge you to commit to teaching and modelling digital citizenship in your classroom. ISTE has outlined 5 doable goals for Digital Citizenship. They include:

  1. Embrace teachable digcit moments

  2. Find the natural connections to already-planned lessons 

  3. Empower families with resources to tackle their biggest pain points

  4. Talk to colleagues and administrators about the value of digital citizenship instruction

  5. Model responsible digital citizenship

Twitter user? Follow the #DigCit hashtag to hear what educators around the globe are committing to.

What will you commit to teaching your students this term?

Digital Citizenship Resources and Ideas can be found at:

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