4 Reflection Questions for Teachers and School Leaders

We all know the power of reflection. That’s why we create structured activities that allow our students the space to reflect. How many of us actually take the time to regularly reflect on our own teaching? Or our own leadership?

Last week on his blog, The Principal of Change George Couros, wrote about 4 Reflection Questions for the End of the School Year. While those in the Northern Hemisphere are wrapping up their school year and heading into summer, we here in the in the Southern Hemisphere are not quite to the halfway point. However, when reading this blog, I was really struck by the fact that these questions actually make for incredible mid-year questions, more formative reflection than summative.

Building on these 4 questions geared towards the end of the year – let’s rephrase/rethink them for a midyear reflection.

  1. What have I done well so far this year? Why did it go well?

  2. Where do I need to grow? What resources do I need to help me achieve this?

  3. What things will I challenge myself with for the remaining part of the year?

  4. How will all of these answers impact the learners I serve?

I have found using  the 8 Characteristics of the Innovator’s Mindset to be an incredibly useful framework from which start focusing my thoughts.








My challenge to you is this: take time to not only reflect, but to also plan for the next half of the year. Think about not only what you can do, but what support do you need to make that happen? Reach out to those you know will support you. Sharing is not easy. Innovation does not happen in isolation. As Couros said in his book, The Innovators Mindset, “reflection is probably the most important part of education as the connections we make on our own is where deep learning happens”.

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