Immersive Reader in OneNote

Great news for all you OneNote users! This week Microsoft released Immersive Reader in OneNote for the Mac. All you need to do is update your app to version 16.14.

What is Immersive Reader? Immersive Reader is a free, built in app that gives OneNote users access to tools to aid in the readability of content in OneNote. According to Microsoft, Immersive Reader has been designed to specifically support students with dyslexia and dysgraphia. However, the tools can really aid any learner who might need more support – especially as they learn how to effectively read on a device.

The Immersive Reader tools include the ability to read aloud, line spacing and line focus, adjusting page colours, syllables, parts of speech, and a picture dictionary.  

The following shows how to access Immersive Reader using OneNote online in Office365 on a Mac, using Chrome. The process is the same on an iPad and in desktop version of OneNote.

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